What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a procedure for exfoliating the outer most layer of skin and ridding it of the fine vellus hair we call peach fuzz. Dermaplaning cleverly triggers the cell regeneration process and makes way for a smoother application of make up.

How does it work?

Dermaplaning is painless with no downtime or recovery. Makeup can be applied immediately because there is a smooth surface with no vellus hair and your makeup will sit on your face like never before. The use of sunscreen is highly recommended to prevent hyperpigmentation or burns on your newly revealed skin.

How is dermaplaning preformed?

After cleansing the skin from oils the technician will gently scrape away the surface layers of dirt, oil, dead skin and vellus hairs with a sterile surgical scalpel. After the treatment a special clinical serum specific to your skin type is applied as well as an SPF.

Is it painful?

Dermaplaning is totally pain free and is safe for all skin types. There is the risk of minor cuts on the skin however they are very shallow and superficial. The nicks or scrapes will heal within 24-48 hours.

Are there side effects?

The most common side effect is a feeling of tightness but mild tenderness, swelling and possible redness may result. These generally go away within a few hours after treatment. It is one of the safest cosmetic procedures, allowing for almost no recovery time and no medications needed.

Is it safe?

Dermaplaning is extremely safe when performed by a certified technician. There’s no more risk than when you shave your legs. Dermaplaning is a mild exfoliation that you can’t get by just shaving.

Who is a good candidate for dermaplaning?

The ideal candidate for dermaplaning has aging or uneven skin tone. It also helps with light acne scars, fine lines and superficial hyperpigmentation. It’s a great exfoliating treatment. Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding that can’t under go other treatments can safely get dermaplaned.

Who is not a good candidate for dermaplaning?

The following is a list of contraindications: Any autoimmune disease, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, scleredema, skin cancer, bleeding disorders, blood thinners, uncontrolled diabetes, a history raised scarring, and accutane used within the last 6 months.

How long should I go between treatments?

Dermaplaning can be done every 3-4 weeks and removes up to 21 days of dead skin cells, so getting dermaplaning done on a regular basis keeps your skin looking fresh and new.

Will my facial hair grow back darker or thicker?

Your face has vellus hair that are removed with dermaplaning. They will grow back exactly the same colour and thickness as they were previous, before the dermaplaning. You can’t change the structure of your hair follicle by simply shaving your hair off.